5 Simple Tips for staying active

5 Simple Tips for staying active

Keeping active can only help with weight loss. Finding ways that allow you to stay physically fit help to keep you on track.

It can be challenging to stay active when it seems like weather conditions are working against you. Here are some simple tips to keep your blood flowing and active in any situation.

5 Simple Tips for staying active

  1. Create opportunities to get more activity in your day. Park further from the store so you have to walk.
  2. Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  3. After lunch go for a quick brisk walk with a co-worker or friend.
  4. Set specific short term goals and reward yourself when you achieve them.
  5. Keep your goals realistic!

There are so many times people set a goal that may be such a challenge to reach that they give up after only a few short weeks. If you keep your weight loss goals realistic it is easier to obtain them. Reward yourself not with food, but maybe a new outfit, purse, or shoes to go with your new look. Remember to keep active every chance you get.

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